Across four core games and several spin-offs, we’ve gone in one half-a-decade-long trek back to the fundamentals. The lack of a second phase for reversals means its matches are easily the fastest, but it plays just like your nostalgic memories from way back when. Supremacy in the Galactic Civil War era is a purely on-foot affair, playing precisely like the original Battlefront, while boasting in-air starfighters for certain maps like out of the reboot bearing that same name. What’s particularly ironic about all of this is that we and DICE have been on a circular journey. I hope that stays the case, offering a spot of peace among the fanbase for years to come. No matter what sort of fan you are, there’s something magically unifying about Battlefront II. There’s a dedicated modding community adding skins from all eras. The text chat is often jovial, relishing in the many twists and turns of each battle. Whether you were someone who couldn’t care less about the timeline reset or a fan of the new Expanded Universe, everyone was having a blast. I know the servers will persist, but Battlefront II is at its apex right now. While I can’t quite say that the entire game’s complete, this conclusion to the embattled multiplayer title is a bittersweet goodbye for everyone. Now, in 2020, Star Wars Battlefront II meets its apparent end on those same beaches, with DICE declaring the game’s vision “complete.” It’s official - every era is now playable in Supremacy, Co-op, and Instant Action. Back in 2016, the first of the rebooted Star Wars Battlefront series saw us charge across Scarif with Jyn Erso and Orson Krennic leading their respective allies into battle over the Death Star plans.